First Post

1 minute read

Added on Saturday, 16th April.

Updated on Sunday 17th April.

Added even more on the 18th April.

The newest addition done on the 19th April.

One more line from the 19th April.

Another day came on the 20th April.

And here we are in Zagreb, on the 21st of April. Had absolutely fantastic meal in the “Pod zidom bistro”. Food was carefully selected, service was incredible, wine paring perfect. Time just flew by as we enjoyed our meal and occasional chat with our waiter.

On the 22nd, we are getting ready to travel to Den Haag. After two weeks, I am looking forward to being back to our flat. Vacation was great with couple of highlights with old friends and I do feel refresshed. And looking forward to being back. Getting together wiht Severin.

On the 23rd we arrived back to The Hague. I wanted to write that we arrived home. But then I realized I do not know where the home is.

Been to work first time after coming back. It was actually nice and I got things done. Then we met Eireen and Severin in the evening.

It’s been almost two weeks since we came back from holidays. And now we are planning to go to Ghent for a weekend break.

We are now adding something to this post. And I want to see how will it compile and when would it become available on the net.